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Writer's pictureian wilson


Suzuki Ha Karate Do

Grading Syllabus

All students under the age of 12 are required to complete the intermediary grading syllabus. 12 years and above are eligible to complete the full syllabus for each grade if they wish.

Students grading should enter the room by standing in the entrance facing inwards, stood upright with the heels together and the hands by their side. They should then bow their head gently towards to the Instructor / examiner. To leave the room they should perform the same routine as above.

The student will be required to demonstrate that they can tie their own karate belt.

White Belt with Red stripe & Red Belt (9th Kyu)

Following techniques to be performed in Shiko Dachi

Chudan Zuki

Jodan Uke

Gedan Barai

Following techniques to be performed in both Hidari & Migi Hanmi Gamae.

Mae Geri

Gyaku Zuki

Demonstrate the following:

Mawatte Jodan Uke

Kihon Kata

Under 12’s

Please note when grading for the red belt you will be required to perform all the techniques, based on your performance on the day you will either be rewarded with an intermediary or full red belt, there are no separate techniques at this level.

Yellow belt (8th Kyu)

Intermediary (under 12’s) – White with Yellow stripe


1. Junzuki with Mawatte Jodan Uke

2. Maegeri

3. Surikomi Maegeri


Pinan Nidan

Full Yellow – all the above plus the following


1. Gyakuzuki with Mawatte Gedan Barai

Renraku Waza

1. Chudan Maegeri - Tobikomizuki

2. Chudan Surikomi Maegeri - Tobikomizuki

3. Chudan Maegeri - Gyakuzuki

4. Chudan Surikomi Maegeri - Gyakuzuki


1. Chudan Soto Uke - Gyakuzuki

2. Chudan Uchi Uke - Gyakuzuki


Pinan Nidan

Orange Belt (7th Kyu)

Intermediary (under 12’s) – White with Orange stripe


1. Junzuki

2. Gyakuzuki

3. Mawashigeri

Sanbon Gumite

1. Soto Uke – Ipponme

2. Uchi Uke – Ipponme


Pinan Sandan (or Pinan Shodan)

Full Orange – all the above plus the following


1. Sokuto Fumikomi

Renraku Waza

1. Maegeri – Mawashigeri – Gyakuzuki

2. Surikomi Maegeri – Mawashigeri – Gyakuzuki

Sanbon Gumite

1. Maegeri – Gohonme

2. Maegeri – Ropponme


Pinan Sandan (or Pinan Shodan)

Green Belt (6th Kyu)

Intermediary (Under 12’s)


1. Kette Junzuki

2. Kette Gyakuzuki

3. Tobikomizuki

4. Mawashigeri (Chudan)

5. Sokuto (Chudan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Maegeri – Ipponme


Pinan Shodan ( or Pinan Sandan)

Full Green – all the above plus the following

Renraku Waza

1. Maegeri – Sokuto Fumikomi – Gyakuzuki

2. Maegeri – Mawashigeri (Chudan) - Sokuto Fumikomi - Gyakuzuki

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Sanbonme

Ohyo Gumite

1. Ipponme


Pinan Shodan ( or Pinan Sandan)

Ji Yu Kumite – free fighting

Blue Belt (5th Kyu)

Intermediary (Under 12’s)


1. Kette Junzuki

2. Kette Gyakuzuki

3. Junzuki no Tsukkomi

4. Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi

5. Sokuto (Chudan)

6. Nidan Geri (Jodan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Ipponme

2. Jodan Uke – Sanbonme


Examiner’s choice on the day: Pinan Shodan, Pinan Nidan or Pinan Sandan

Ji Yu Kumite – free fighting

Full Blue – all the above plus the following


1. Nagashizuki

2. Ushirogeri (Gedan)

Renraku Waza

1. Mawashigeri (Chudan) – Ushirogeri (Gedan) – Gyakuzuki

2. Surikomi Sokuto Fumikomi – Ushirogeri (Gedan) – Uraken (Jodan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Maegeri – Nihonme

2. Maegeri – Sanbonme

Ohyo Gumite: Nihonme

Kata: Pinan Yodan

Purple Belt (4th Kyu)

Intermediary (under 12’s)


1. Kette Junzuki

2. Kette Gyakuzuki

3. Ketter Junzuki no Tsukkomi

4. Kette Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi

5. Nagashizuki

6. Mawashigeri (Chudan)

7. Ushirogeri (Chudan)

8. Sokuto (Chudan)

Renraku Waza

1. Maegeri (Chudan) – Sokuto Fumikomi – Ushirogeri (Gedan) - Gyakuzuki

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Ipponme

2. Jodan Uke – Sanbonme

Kata: Pinan Yodan

Ji Yu Kumite – free fighting

Full Purple – all the above plus the following

Renraku Waza

1. Maegeri (Chudan) – Nagashizuki (Jodan) – Gyakuzuki

2. Surikomi Maegeri (Chudan) – Nagashizuki (Jodan) – Mawashigeri (Chudan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Maegeri – Ipponme

2. Maegeri – Gohonme

Ohyo Gumite: Ropponme

Kata - Pinan Godan

Brown One (3rd Kyu)



1. Kette Junzuki

2. Kette Gyakuzuki

3. Kette Junzuki no Tsukkomi

4. Kette Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi

5. Tobikomizuki

6. Nagashizuki

7. Mawashigeri (Jodan)

8. Ushirogeri (Chudan)

9. Sokuto (Chudan)

Renraku Waza

1. Surikomi Maegeri (Chudan) – Mawashigeri (Chudan) – Ushirogeri (Chudan) – Gyakuzuki (Chudan)

2. Maegeri (Chudan) – Nagashizuki (Jodan) - Gyakuzuki (Chudan) – Mawashigeri (Chudan)

3. Surikomi Maegeri (Chudan) – Sokuto Fumikomi – Ushirogeri (Chudan) – Uraken (Jodan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Yonhonme

2. Maegeri – Sanbonme & Ropponme

Ohyo Gumite: Yonhome

Kata: Pinan Godan plus one of the Pinan Kata of the Examiner’s choice on the day

Ji Yu Kumite – free fighting

Full Belt – all the above plus the following

Sanbon Gumite: Maegeri - Yohonme,

Kihon Gumite: Ipponme,

Kata: Kushanku

Brown Two (2nd Kyu)



1. Kette Junzuki

2. Kette Gyakuzuki

3. Kette Junzuki no Tsukkomi

4. Kette Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi

5. Nagashizuki

6. Surikomi Mawashigeri (Jodan)

7. Surikomi Sokuto (Jodan)

8. Ushirogeri (Chudan)

9. Nidan Geri (Jodan)

Renraku Waza

1. Surikomi Maegeri (Chudan) – Nagashizuki (Jodan) – Mawashigeri (Jodan)

2. Maegeri (Chudan) – Sokuto (Chudan) – Ushirogeri (Chudan) – Gyakuzuki (Chudan)

3. Zenshinshite (Jodan) – Renzuki (Chudan) – Surikomi Maegeri (Chudan) – Mawashigeri (Chudan) – Gyakuzuki (Chudan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Ipponme

2. Maegeri – Nihonme & Gohonme,

Ohyo Gumite: Nihonme

Kihon Gumite: Nihonme

Kata: Kushanku

Ji Yu Kumite – free fighting

Full Belt – all the above plus the following

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke: Yonhonme

2. Maegeri : Yonhonme

Ohyo Gumite: Sanbonme

Kihon Gumite: Sanbonme

Kata: Nai Hanchi

Brown Three (1st Kyu)



1. Kette Junzuki

2. Kette Gyakuzuki

3. Kette Junzuki no Tsukkomi

4. Kette Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi

5. Nagashizuki

6. Surikomi Mawashigeri (Jodan)

7. Mawashigeri Jodan

8. Ushirogeri (Chudan)

9. Surikomi Sokuto (Jodan)

Renraku Waza

1. Zenshinte (Jodan) – Renzuki (Chudan) – Maegeri (Chudan) – Mawashigeri (Chudan) – Ushirogeri (Chudan) – Gyakuzuki (Chudan)

2. Surikomi Jodan – Renzuki (Chudan) – Surikomi Maegeri (Chudan – Mawashigeri (Chudan) – Ushirogeri (Chudan) – Uraken (Jodan)

3. Zenshinshite (Jodan) – Renzuki (Chudan) – Maegeri (Chudan) – Nagashizuki (Jodan) – Gyakuzuki (Chudan) – Mawashigeri (Chudan)

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Ipponme

2. Maegeri – Ipponme, Ropponme

Ohyo Gumite: Ipponme & Ropponme

Kihon Gumite: Ipponme & Sanbonme

Kata: Chinto

Ji Yu Kumite – free fighting

Full Belt – all the above plus the following

Sanbon Gumite

1. Jodan Uke – Nihonme & Sanbonme

2. Maegeri – Yonhonme

Ohyo Gumite: Nanahonme

Kihon Gumite: Ropponme & Nanahonme

Kata: Seishan

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